
It's Pronounced "Pah-vert." You povert.


Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact. Perhaps their pride is like that of the fox who had lost his tail; if so, the way to cure it is to point out how they can grow a new tail. Very few men, I believe, will deliberately choose unhappiness if they see a way of being happy.

— Bertrand Russell

I sleep badly, and I must admit I probably seem proud of it. And I now have cause for some unhappiness. I’m glad Russell believed this shit. That means I can too.

Though I’m taking him out of context. Meh.

I’ve long believed that truly smart (or maybe wise) people can minimize or avoid unhappiness. Good ole’ Bert seems to agree.

3 Responses to “Unhappiness”

  1. cczernia Says:

    Meh, you’ve always slept badly and you woke up even worse. Last night a party started up at 2 in the morning so I slept badly and am not proud of it because I normally sleep fairly well.

    Who is this Russell guy anyway. Is he suppose to be cooler than George Washington.

  2. Joe Says:

    Indeed. I’ve always liked that quote, just because I seem to be totally inept at the whole sleeping thing.

    Cooler than George Washington? I don’t know, but I’m sure he had better teeth.

  3. cczernia Says:

    Cooler than George Washington? I don’t know, but I’m sure he had better teeth”

    With a name like that how could he not have better teeth.

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