
It's Pronounced "Pah-vert." You povert.

Stop Defending Rove

From Little Green Footballs:

To be prosecuted under the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act, Mr. Rove would had to have deliberately and maliciously exposed Ms. Plame knowing that she was an undercover agent and using information he’d obtained in an official capacity. But it appears Mr. Rove didn’t even know Ms. Plame’s name and had only heard about her work at Langley from other journalists.

Give me a damn break. Why are some Republicans defending this guy? It ought to be embarrassing. Does anybody really think that Rove is an upstanding, honest, wholesome guy? People are seriously comfortable with this technicality? Are you serious? There is a lot of room for disagreement on some things. I appreciate that. But this is one of those things where 10 years from now, todays players will find themselves sighing in documentaries, lamenting their poor judgment.

Seriously. I understand Rove’s importance to this administration. He is pretty good at politics. But he made a big mistake. A big one.

To those who might level arguments like that that I attack in my previous post (sigh), can I say that I think that others who have violated national security, like Sandy Berger, ought to go to jail?

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