
It's Pronounced "Pah-vert." You povert.

Too Much Fun; Music and Memories

Had a good weekend. A little too much fun on Friday and Saturday, but a good weekend nevertheless.

Did I mention that there’s a new podcast at Wrestle that Shark? It’s kind of a silly one — when I was down in Las Cruces a couple weeks ago, Jason and I did this, accompanied by tequila.

So yeah, I’m glad the holidays are winding down. As I said, I’ve been having too much fun.

Random thoughts — I love iTunes Party Shuffle, especially when used with a good smart playlist. Every now and then it pops up with a song that instantly makes me think of a time, place, state of mind, etc. Anything by The Strokes makes me think of early last year, driving around St. Paul; it also kind of makes me think of the dating I did when I first moved here. Anything from Zwan’s album or from Beck’s “Sea Change” makes me think of early 2003. It was during and after a tough breakup (any surprise that they’re both pretty depressing albums? 🙂 ). I mostly associate it with driving to El Paso to buy clove cigarettes. My car stereo had been stolen, so I had to use a little Nomad Muvo MP3 player with headphones. Listening to “Yield” by Pearl Jam makes me thinking of a little project I worked on back in 1998 or so. I had installed a MUD on my home linux box — I modified it to be “Poison Elves MUD”. I made it possible to get addicted to cigarettes, and if your character went too long without one, he or she would start to lose stamina. Yes, I see the irony there, but it was just to simulate addiction. It was never public — like I said, I just had it on my home computer. “Mr. Self Destruct” by NIN makes me think of driving to NMSU with Chris and Scott. Actually, any NIN on “Downward Spiral” or earlier makes me think about driving to Scott’s place to play RPGs or whatever. Pretty much anything by Tool or Pixies (especially “Debaser) makes me think of shooting pool with Jason at The Club in Las Cruces. Same with “Two Step” by Dave Matthews Band. “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness” reminds me of Las Vegas. Tori Amos’ “Boys for Pele” reminds me of driving to Oñate High School. That and Pearl Jam’s “Ten”. “Come Away With Me” by Norah Jones makes me think of my sister’s wedding — that was the song I used for the photo slideshow at the reception.

Anything by Sonic Youth rarely makes me think back to anything in particular, with the occasional exception. I think it’s because I’ve been a long-time SY fan, and I listened to them more or less constantly for so many years. Same with anything by Nirvana, except for “You Know You’re Right”. I have some pretty specific memories associated with that. “Unplugged” brings back certain memories, but I think they’re the same memories other people have. I guess SY’s “Dirty” reminds me of when I first met Chris. He was excited that I had that album, because he had SY’s “Goo”. We swapped them for a while. For some reason I think he got “Goo” from his younger brother. Also, “Dirty” was my first CD.

Have I wrote about this sort of thing before? I think I may have. Oh well. I’m not sure why I even wrote about it — I guess it’s just been on my mind lately.

6 Responses to “Too Much Fun; Music and Memories”

  1. Erin Says:

    Reading this post reminded me of the french onion soup incident at the Outback Steakhouse in Las Cruces because after that I went with you to El Paso to get cloves.

    Ahhh good times. good times.


  2. Chris Says:

    Heh, all albums remind me of gaming, they just remind me of different games. Actually, it tooks years for “Downward Spiral” to stop reminding me of Duke Nukem 3d. Man that was annoying.

  3. Joe Says:

    French onion soup… memory… faint… I do remember driving to El Paso afterwards, but the soup thing is sketchy… Almost… remember…

    And Chris — Duke Nukem… Hahahahaha.

  4. Erin Says:

    We were all really hyper, Maya especially (surprise) and the giant crouton thing that floats on the top of the soup, through an elaborate chain reaction starting with Maya’s hyper flailing, ended up in your lap.

  5. Joe Says:

    Oh yes. I remember now.

  6. Erin Says:

    I just finished listening to your drunkcast. Very entertaining.

    Your ipod comment cracked me up (elves=Chinese slave labour=ipods from Santa made by slaves)

    The cat in the background was freaky.

    Somebody kept playing with a lighter (Jason?)

    Jason’s hiccups were very amusing.

    As far as the whole, drunk philosophy thing…I got lost several times but luckily you guys kept getting distracted and talking about other things and repeating yourselves, so I did okay. Good job you two.

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