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Bizarro Cheerleader

From an article about some Dolphins cheerleaders posing for a calendar:

Lilly and Bibiana posed together on the beach at the Four Seasons hotel. The calendar organizers said they chose to put the two together because they are exact opposites.

One must be pure evil. Also, one must be incredibly obese. And male.

One Response to “Bizarro Cheerleader”

  1. andrea Says:

    Andrea: which is the dolphin?
    Kelly: hHAHAHA
    Kelly: one is a dolphin, the other is a tuna net
    Andrea: oh oh hahha
    Andrea: i didn’t read ‘cheerleaders’
    Andrea: i read save the dolphins
    Kelly: oh god
    Andrea: i thought bibiana was a dolphin!
    Kelly: HAHA
    Andrea: and a big male dolphin
    Kelly: i have the mental image now
    Andrea: and they ere posing smiling
    Kelly: of two dolphins beached in the bahamas
    Andrea: like cheerleader with dolphin.
    Andrea: save the dolphin
    Kelly: AHHA
    Andrea: raising money
    Andrea: hahahaha
    Andrea: oh god
    Kelly: an obese dolphin
    Andrea: yes!
    Kelly: HAHAHA
    Kelly: hahahah
    Andrea: i thought it was a fundraiser!!!

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