
It's Pronounced "Pah-vert." You povert.

Strudel, new Feed, S3

“Toaster Strudel” is available at Flapping Crane’s music section. Good stuff. I use part of it for one of my ringtones.

Also, I’ve revamped the Flapping Crane RSS feed. This sucker now has MP4 videos that are good for watching on TV (with Apple TV or probably XBox 360) or on an iPhone. Haven’t tested it on other iPods. May not work on them.

Finally, I’m in the process of compressing new versions of all our old videos and uploading them to Amazon’s S3. This should allow for faster downloads.

I haven’t flipped the switch on S3 yet, and probably won’t for a while. I want to get as many vids on there as possible.

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