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Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category


Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

What a crazy day.

First of all — I’m now an uncle. Lisa and Pat have a little girl named Isabelle Marie. I can’t post any pics until Lisa’s updated her blog.

So, yeah. Pretty amazing.

Then there was the election, of course. Kelly and I were both very happy and excited, but it was tempered by the fact that we were watching the results come in with my parents, who are pretty conservative. So we couldn’t jump on the furniture while giving each other high fives.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m not interested in discussing politics much here right now. I will say that I’m proud, that it was historic, and that both candidates’ speeches last night were inspiring.

Tension Tamer

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Tension Tamer

From a little after Kelly’s birthday.

I guess it’s my thing to give Kelly late presents. Not because I’m lazy or forgetful, but due to circumstance. She just recently got the DS I got for her for Christmas, because they were impossible to find until about a month ago.

For her birthday I’m getting her an iPhone. But her contract’s not up for a couple more months, and there might be a new iPhone by then.

Schloo Playing Wii

Monday, March 17th, 2008

30th Birthday

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Here are some pics from my 30th birthday shindig.

Yes, we rocked the Rock Band. It’s too badfortunate that there was no video.

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