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Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Sopranos, a week later

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Ok, so my dad hated the finale.

I still like it, though I still haven’t entirely settled on what happened. But I’m pretty sure.

In a few weeks I’m gonna re-watch the last season (both parts).

I’m not going to post an interpretation or anything — thousands of other fans are doing that already, and I don’t have any insight that others don’t have. But here’s something kind of funny. Early on in the finale, for some reason, I started looking for imagery resembling “The Last Supper”. I don’t remember exactly why, but I think it was right after Bobby’s funeral, when everyone was grubbing that I started looking for it. Which is funny, because this image completely sailed past me until someone pointed it out elsewhere:

Tony Soprano’s Last Supper

It was right there at the end, but in all the excitement, I completely missed it.

That was a weird moment anyway. Tony walks into the diner and looks for a place to sit. Then it cuts directly to this shot. It’s not exactly a jump cut, but it is weird. They were trying to call attention to this shot.

Another funny moment, which was likely identical to what happened in many people’s living rooms: When Phil said, “Say bye-bye to grandpa!” we all cracked up — several of us said, “Bye-bye Phil!” enthusiastically. Least surprising death ever. But very entertaining.

Like I said, I liked the entire finale, including the ending.


Monday, June 11th, 2007

No spoilers here.

I liked it.

Yup, that’s all.

DRM-free tracks from iTMS

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

I thought it was a cruel April Fool’s Joke when I first saw it, but it looks to be true — starting next month Apple will be offering DRM-free tracks from EMI at double the bit rate. Single tracks will cost $1.29 (as opposed to $0.99) and people can upgrade previous purchases for $0.30 per track.

From EMI’s press release: “Complete albums from EMI Music artists purchased on the iTunes Store will automatically be sold at the higher sound quality and DRM-free, with no change in the price.”

This makes me happy. DRM is annoying.

I’ve got a Coldplay album or two that I will upgrade, along with a few scattered songs from other EMI artists.

I wonder how this will interact with the new Complete My Album thing — will the tracks you download to complete the album be DRM-free and 256 kbps? If so, if the previously purchased tracks had DRM and were 128 kbps, will they be replaced?

Obviously the Beer Gives Him Super-Powers

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

This is retarded:

“Then we come back off the elevator and that’s when, for whatever reason … I decided to take off running,” Hanson said. “I don’t know why I took off running or what really led up to it, but — I did.”

Sprinting down the hallway alone, he said he was confused by the reflection on the window pane at the end. With a crash, the 275-pound former prep football player and wrestler broke through a double-paned window with a safety bar.

The fall has made him more contemplative and given him a fresh perspective, he said, though he didn’t know whether it would cause him to drink less.

I’m pretty sure that what happened here is he attacked his reflection.

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